Monday 12 March 2012


At the weekend, as part of the course I'm doing, I went on a retreat for 2 days. Over this short amount of time I learned so much about myself, my attitudes & my God.

One huge thing I was reminded of and would really stress is the importance of solitude.
You don't have to be a Christian to have a huge need for solitude- we can all get burnt out by our busy lives, however, I use my times alone to talk to God and reflect.

We had a prayer session at retreat from an amazing woman of God named Robin, who told us we need to find a 'prayer closet'. This doesn't have to be an actual cupboard you have to squeeze yourself into, but a place where you can truley feel alone with God. For a friend of mine, this was on a crowded train with his scarf wrapped around his face. For me it's on a hill overlooking a lake near my house.

This place is just so special and important- it's a place for you and God & nothing else. No distractions. Just you and Him.

I discovered my place when my brother and I went sledging there a few weeks ago. It's a place where not many others go, so I'm able to gaze across at the beautiful views & sing as loud as I want ;)

Today when I visited my prayer closet I just sat down & talked with God. He doesn't want you to go through all the usual prayers you say, just talk to Him like you would your best friend. This is something I've struggled with in the past, but it's stupid 'cause He knows what you're thinking anyway- He just wants you to tell Him about your thoughts, fears, regrets etc.

So, I really challenge anyone who reads this to take some time out this week & find your prayer closet- you won't regret it :) 

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