Sunday 11 November 2012

Go Compare.. OR NOT!

Did you know that every human has a unique tongue print? Neither did I...
My point is, every single person on this whole earth is different to you. So why is it that we so often compare our appearance, abilities, talents and possessions to those of other people?

Something that's been on my heart for the past few of days is the effect that comparison can have on our lives and how we think about ourselves. I've always been someone who measures what I have based on what others do, and I can sometimes find myself getting down because I don't match up to the people I look up to. 

Yes, I may not have got as good a grade on a test as the person I sit next to, but how does that make a difference to anything at all? Yes, my hair may not be as shiny or my dress size as small as some of my friends but who cares? 
This is what really gets me about they way we think today. The media and society tell us we need to be better than who we really are- who God made us.Who gave them the right to tell us who we should be?

A few weeks ago I was watching a video of Kari Jobe preaching on Youtube, and something she said really stood out to me; so much so that I wrote it on a note on my computer desktop. She said "Comparison will be the number one thing that'll keep you from doing what God's called you to do." SO TRUE!

Whether you agree with this quote or not, how many times have you not done something you felt you should because you didn't feel good enough? 
Whenever the time comes that I have to speak publicly this happens. I look at other people speaking confidently and think I'll never be as funny or confident as them and that what I have to say won't be as good as what they said; so I avoid it. 
The reality is, I'm probably not the next prime minister, but who says I'm not good enough to speak in front of people? It's all lies that I've wrongly let myself believe. 

This doesn't necessarily mean if I just start believing I am good enough I will turn into the best public speaker ever- some things take practice and skill- however if I stop believing the lies, I will be able to do what God's called me to do, whether that's speaking through a mic or something else. 

It can be said for us all that if we stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on what we CAN DO, we will do so much more than if we'd held ourselves back with the fear of not matching up those around us. There's always going to be people who have different traits and talents than you- we're all different- but find that special something in you and focus on how amazing you truly are, 'cause it's true! The creator of the world says so!

"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that... Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."  Galatians 6:4-5

If you fancy watching the video of Kari Jobe preaching, here's the link:

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