Tuesday 13 March 2012

Wave Your White Flag!

Last year I decided I wanted to redecorate my room. So, while we were moving around furniture and preparing to paint it, my dad and I discovered a patch of mould that had been growing on the ceiling. Now, me being me and my dad being my dad, we couldn't be bothered to put bleach on the ceiling to kill the mould, so we carried on and painted over it.
My nice white painted ceiling was looking good & there was no trace of the mould that lay underneath until I was lying in bed a couple of weeks ago. Oh dear. I noticed a grey area appearing in the spot where the mould used to be. It was growing back!

This is a really strange analogy, but I think this can be the same for our sin. We block what we've done out of our minds in the hope that no one will ever find out, but really it's still there, waiting to grow back again. I can certainly say this is true for me. I had the fear of what God would think if I talked to Him about it, but really, he already knew. For ages, I buried the guilt inside me and hoped it would go away. It didn't.

It wasn't until recently when God gave me the opportunity to talk about what happened with people who care about me that I realised the great need we have for surrender. I always knew that's what I should do as a Christian, but I had no idea of how much it would hurt. Surrendering everything I have, no matter what the cost, is something that can only be done with His help. Sharing something so personal was not easy, but by doing so God really encouraged me on my journey with Him & brought me closer to surrendering all I am and all I was. 

This blog was not at all easy to write, but I really hope it will encourage you to surrender. Surrender the thoughts you have, the actions you make, the time you spend & God will turn that around into blessings :D

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7

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