Friday 19 April 2013

Watch Your Mouth.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" 

Yeah right...

I used to recite this to myself, desperately trying to believe it, longing for it to be true. 

In reality in 100% wasn't.

In fact, I believe words have the power to have a negative effect on someone that is as strong as the effect of a physical injury, if not worse. This has certainly been the case in my past anyway.

As someone that remembers a lot of what has been said to me, I found myself dwelling on those comments people made. Some of them weren't said with the intention of hurting me, but I dwelt on them and gave them the chance to take root in my life.

At the age of 8, someone asked me if I'd lost weight. For the average adult, this may be an acceptable question, however my 8 year old self took it to heart. I instantly thought if she'd noticed I lost weight I must've been fat.

From this, a ridiculous amount of anxiety about my appearance sprouted. Those of you who've heard my testimony are probably aware of how this all affected me, and lets just say it definitely wasn't positive.

So what I'm trying to say is watch your mouth. I've been really challenged by this lately, as often I say hurtful things without meaning to. We all do.

But see how much a little comment for you can affect the person receiving it in a huge way? We all need to think before we speak.

Don't say stuff to try and be funny at someone else's expense. Don't try and say stuff for the sake of it to break the silence. It's so easy to slip up and hurt someone.

And if you're the victim of a hurtful comment, rebuke it and whatever you do, don't let it take root in your heart and dictate who you are. You're so much greater than what another person says you are. You were created in the image of GOD!

Our tongues are hugely powerful weapons. They need to be used wisely. From now on, I challenge you to use yours carefully and with consideration.

"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift."  Ephesians 4:29 (The Message)

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