Wednesday 11 April 2012

Cling on!

So, over the past few weeks I've tried and failed several times to find the right words to type. It's got to the point where so much inside me has bottled up it seems the only way of letting some of that out is here. So here goes...

The last few weeks have been a huge battle for me. Being super busy paired with my brother being in hospital spelt a recipe for disaster. The joy I experienced during the day whilst I was busy turned to pain in the night when I was left alone. I felt drained physically and emotionally. I would hide how I was feeling through the need to be strong.
It wasn't 'til last night, when I was at the lowest point I've been for a while that I listened to the still small voice that whispered into my heart. The word 'cling'.  

Now for me, when I think of the word 'cling' I think of someone hanging on for dear life, someone with no other hope holding on to the one thing they know they can rely on, something steadfast and sure.

What do you cling to when the going gets tough?
Alcohol? Drugs? Your Boyfriend? TV?

For me it's been food. I've eaten so much junk and then tried eating nothing at all, in the search for comfort.

A few years ago, a verse from Song of Songs was prophesied over me (bit strange I know, but bear with me!) and last night as I thought about the word 'cling' I remembered it.
It's Chapter 3 verse 4 & says "Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go."
Now, in my view, that verse represents how we should be with Jesus.
Through the good and the bad, through the storm and the calm, we need to cling to the cross. We can't do anything alone. We need to find our hope in Jesus. He's the light at the end of this tunnel I'm in. He's the shining light in the darkness. He's the one who brings the joy into my heart, the one who I need to cling to.

This song is exactly what's on my heart & says it all:

Clinging to the Cross- Tim Hughes feat. Brooke Fraser

Are you clinging to the cross or something else?